Hypothetical: Your friend has travelled the world, is single, has found a
job she likes and doesn't have her own house.
Do you:
A) Think she
should be a little more concerned with her current situation, because
really, who are you if you don't have a boyfriend/husband
and you rent? Honestly, she should end it all now
B) Would tell her
that you're not angry, just a bit disappointed. At this point in her
life you would have expected a bit more from her. Maybe if she knuckles
down a bit she might just achieve something, or
C) Think this person is probably just needs a bit of perspective...
come back to reality honey, there are people dying of aids in Africa.
If you went with A or B, you've changed and I would go as so far as to
say are a douche-canoe. No one has everything, so why do you expect it of
Rein those expectations in buddy.
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