Monday, February 24, 2014


Footpaths exist everywhere, they are not a new invention and I can 100% guarantee that everyone has used one before. Why oh why must people then feel like they own all the space, ALL THE SPACE, when using them? So, I have some tips for those of you who cannot comprehend the concept of sharing.

1.   If walking with a group of two or more people, you will have to change formations when coming across people in the other directions. Do not hold three abreast, it’s rude. Someone/a few of you drop back to let others past.
2. If you’re in a couple, don’t walk with your arms around each other. It’s awkward and it looks that way. Holding hands still tells the world that you’re together and also allows you movement to accommodate others.
3. Depending on what part of the world that you come from, pick the side you use to drive in and stick to it. If in Australia, walk to the left hand side, if in the States, walk to the right. It works for everyone, you don’t need to do an awkward dance.
4. If you are a slow walker, once again pick a side and allow others to pass.
5. Stopping suddenly. I get this has to happen at points- you’ve forgotten something, your phone is ringing and you have to find it in your bag. For the love of god, move to the side to work it out. The middle of the walkway is not the place to do this.
6. Stopping on stairs. Technically still a walkway, don’t stop in the middle of a stair well or at the bottom of it to have a conversation. People still need to go up and down, don’t make them have to walk around as well. If they have to ask you to move, you’re being a douche.

Seriously people, it’s just common sense.

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